THE QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY HONOURS 2021 There is cause for celebration in Merseyside Wing today with the release of the Queens Birthday Honours List for 2021, where among the names of…
MERSEYSIDE WING BASIC AEROSPACE COURSE As part of the training programme for Royal Air Force Air Cadets, the Aerospace Team of Merseyside Wing, have recently delivered a basic Aerospace course…
LORD-LIEUTENANTS & LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR AWARDS 2021 The recipients of this years’ Lord-Lieutenant & Lieutenant Governor Awards for Merseyside, Cheshire, Lancashire, and the Isle of Man have recently been decided following…
MERSEYSIDE WING HOSTS U.S SPACE FORCE Last week the Royal Air Force Air Cadets of Merseyside Wing were joined by members of the United States Space Force (USSF), including Royal…
Wing Wednesday hosts: Warrant Officer Sarah Cotman RAF This past Wednesday, Royal Air Force Air Cadets and Staff from Wales & West Region joined Merseyside Wing for their Wing Wednesday…